Our Services


GeoPacific provides complete geotechnical design and construction monitoring services for projects varying in size and complexity. Experience working on site with contractors, helping them identify and resolve construction problems, is key to our success in engineering effective and constructible designs. Geotechnical engineering services offered by GeoPacific include:

-Geotechnical Investigations
-Foundation Engineering
-Shoring Design & Review
-Retaining Wall Design
-Seismic & Liquefaction Analyses

-Slope Stability Evaluations
-Infiltration Testing
-Expert Testimony
-Geotechnical Instrumentation
-Hydrogeologic Investigations


GeoPacific staff members have provided geotechnical consulting services for small and large civil projects involving the design and construction of:

-Residential Developments
-Commercial Buildings
-High-rise/Mid-rise Buildings
-Waterfront Structures
-Roads & Pavements
-Waste Water Treatment Plants and Water Tanks
-Directional Drilling

-Pipelines & Pump Stations
-Landslide Evaluation


GeoPacific has skilled technicians and geologists that provide geotechnical monitoring services during site earthwork and foundation construction. Most jurisdictions require that these services are performed to verify that site and foundation construction conforms to the project specifications and building permit requirements. Our services are particularly valued for providing cost-effective solutions and engineering input in response to challenging and /or unanticipated conditions. We provide monitoring services for:

-Subgrade Bearing Verification
-Subsurface Drainage Installation
-Shoring Installation
-Geotechnical Instrumentation Installation & Monitoring

-Fill Placement & Compaction Monitoring
-Pile Foundation Installation (driven & drilled)
-Drywell Performance Testing


GeoPacific has expertise in providing environmental services on projects, to assist clients during property acquisition, or to evaluate/remediate potential environmental problems on existing facilities. Our services include:

-Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessments (ESA’s)
-Soil & Groundwater Investigation
-Phase 2 Site Investigation

-Asbestos Assessment
-Site Restoration & Remediation


GeoPacific maintains a soil laboratory capable of performing commonly requested geotechnical tests. For this reason, soil tests can be performed in a timely manner to meet the needs of construction schedules. Our laboratory offers the following tests:

-Moisture Content
-Grain Size Distribution
-No. 200 Wash Sieve
-Combined Sieve and Hydrometer
-Atterberg Limits
-Moisture-Density Relationship (Proctor)
-Rice Density of Asphalt Concrete

-Concrete Compressive Strength
-Organic Content
-Sand Equivalent
-California Bearing Ratio
-Time Rate Consolidation
-Unconfined Compressive Strength-Soil
-One-dimensional Consolidation Testing